Because education is so important for both children and adults to receive around the world, Planet Aid makes learning possible. While some countries already have excellent education systems, other countries and developing nations suffer from a major shortage of educated and well qualified teachers. Some countries that are in extreme need of qualified teachers include South Africa, Angola, Malawi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Planet Aid makes strides to provide teacher training programs within these nations and many more to assist developing areas strengthen their education system. Training teachers is a major priority so that students are able to learn at the correct caliber and level for their age range.
About Teacher Training Programs
Planet Aid supports teacher training programs, as it is the cornerstone of all educational development within that nation. Specialized colleges offer the DNS Teacher Training Program which was created by members of Humana People to People. This DNS program is tailored to meet the needs of underdeveloped countries and rural areas. These programs help teachers to become more self-driven and to provide effective teaching methods within their classrooms. Through training programs, teachers will become inspired to truly make a difference in educating their students. Not only do teachers learn different approaches and methods to use while in the classroom, but also ways to improve their overall developing community. Each college that utilizes these programs are supported by both local and national ministries of their country and are 100% approved colleges with accredited programs.
Training Colleges
Teacher training programs can be found at various colleges around the globe. Planet Aid helps to support all Humana People to People organizations in providing these training programs at many colleges. Africa is home to 32 teacher training colleges and India is home to 22 colleges which offer this program. Mozambique offers one college with two higher education degree programs while Humana People to People continue to help other developing nations in their quest for higher education. All of these colleges and more are supported by donations and assistance from Planet Aid.
Teaching the Teachers
While developing nations may have teachers present in their classrooms, they are not always fully-trained and able to provide their students with all of the material that they truly need to know. From basic reading comprehension to mathematical skills and physical education, teacher training programs will provide each teacher with valuable information that they can bring back into the classroom. Dedicated, passionate and prideful are just a few ways to describe the teachers who take advantage of these excellent training programs.
How Planet Aid Helps
This nonprofit organization collects used clothes and shoes from around the world to support international development programs. Their mission is to improve the overall quality of life for individuals and families all over the globe. By donating and recycling your old clothes to this organization, you will be helping to make a difference. Clothing donations are even tax deductible, making it a win-win situation!